TEXTS WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/14/22, 4/27/22, 6/10/22, 6/11/22, 6/26/22, 6/27/22, 7/18/22, 7/21/22, 7/22/22, 7/23/22, 7/27/22, 8/20/22, 9/2/22, 9/3/22, 9/4/22, 11/3/22)

"Let the future, tell the truth..." - Nikola Tesla

11:38 AM (6/15/23):

2:37 PM (5/3/23): 
"An orange cube... The following, requires 'conceptualized simulation/visualization'... Imagine our 3-dimensional reality, being represented... as a 'side,' of this cube (the one to the upper-right, angled at 45 degrees... from 'the center'... ...and all humans, being 'dots'... that move around, in a '3-dimensional' reality... but on that '2-dimensional' surface)... In terms of relativity, if my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.) is experiencing 'voluntary or involuntary' home confinement... then he cannot experience a 'higher energy state'... ...which is implied, by moving laterally... across the cube... to a parallel layer..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
The implication, is that if JJ could 'leave the home he presently occupies'... then he would be on a layer, 'above' what he is presently on... ...assuming, the basis for such... had a legitimate vector (magnitude and direction)...

4:16 PM (4/8/23):
(photo of Elon Musk, where he has the vibe of 'I just got out of the shrimp house'... Maybe JJ has been thinking about dining with people, in Elon's circles)

[A juxtaposition of my middle brother, JJ, and youngest brother, Joe (7/9/21 and 3/30/22), left to right (respectively)]
NOTE: JJ's photo had been uploaded to his Facebook profile, at the time... while I snapped the one, of Joe...

"JJ/John Jr. was born on September 4, 1991 and turns 32 years old... this year (2023)... ...yet, the last time I saw JJ (face-to-face)... he was 27 years old..." - Michael Izuchukwu (2:42 PM, 3/12/23)

12:31 PM (2/16/23):
(phone call with my youngest brother, Joe... as of 12:00 PM... today - 2/16/23. Today is his 30th birthday, and he divulged to me that he had proposed to his fiancee... Yende, on 10/12/22, when they had vacationed to Bueno Aires, Argentina... for about 1 week... Aside from that, he said there was no wedding date that had been established... yet... and said he was going to head out to a deli establishment, for lunch... before the conversation, concluded)
Thanksgiving 2022 recap (Joe is to my right, dressed in black)
(photo of Yende - 7:02 PM, on 11/24/22, Thanksgiving 2022)

(text from JJ, at 10:30 PM... on 2/14/23)

Maybe JJ wrote 'cert' because he was thinking of Vint Cerf's last name, after having been browsing the internet... on his 'laptop'...

(response to JJ, at 8:41 AM... on 2/15/23)
When JJ says he is going to get an MBA, years from now... my immediate impression, is that he is attempting to sound like a 'well-fed Republican'... that is on the move...

(response to JJ, at 8:42 AM... on 2/15/23)

9:02 AM (2/15/23):
A campus does not imply, such is a college... Google is the company known as Alphabet, and such is a company... not a school/university...

11:41 AM (1/13/22):
"Perhaps the context of this blog... gives the above article, relevance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:58 PM (1/6/23):

4:38 PM (11/29/22):
"I just got off the phone with my mom, after conversing for 2 minutes and 32 seconds... as of 4:34 PM, today... When I insinuated that she routinely gives the impression, that JJ is a 'lost cause' or a 'work-in-progress'... she nonchalantly said, 'ok then'... and proceeded to end the conversation... JJ has missed 4 consecutive Thanksgiving dinners (2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022), while staying apart from relatives... and never sought any genuine closure, regarding my dad... in 'his' last days, before dying on 10/8/20..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:00 PM (11/16/22): 
(YouTube channel of my middle brother, JJ/John Jr.)

Text with JJ (4:29 PM, on 11/3/22)

[As of 4:47 PM on 11/3/22, I had yet to receive a response from my middle brother, JJ... regarding his text messages at 4:27 PM and 4:29 PM, today... They seemed 'quite strange,' and distinct... as though, borderline 'alien'... given there was no urgency, for specification]" - Michael Izuchukwu

Text with JJ (4:27 PM, on 11/3/22)

9:37 AM (10/25/22):
Home | University of Pittsburgh (JJ matriculated in 2010)

11:56 AM (10/15/22):
"Personally, I have my concerns... about my middle brother, JJ, regarding his 'degree of socialization'... or his attempts, to do so (particularly, in the past 4 years)... given that he has not attended family gatherings in that time interval (in which I have not seen him, face-to-face), and that doesn't say much about him... if he has in fact, had 'relations' with non-relatives (which would be counterintuitive, in the context... of the aforementioned)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (a psychology concept)]

12:07 PM (10/15/22): "There are things people need, and it doesn't make sense... when they act, like they don't need them..." - Michael Izuchukwu (in the context, of this pyramid)
I think JJ is rejecting row #4 from the bottom (esteem), given that if he sought this... he would be taking initiative, in doing the things which are preliminary... for building such...

3:25 PM (9/11/22): "Interesting text response to my mom, as of 3:12 PM... on 9/11/22... As far as I am concerned, she still does not realize the hypocrisy she has... regarding herself cohabiting with my middle brother, JJ... in the context of his history, behavioral anomalies... and the nonexistent 'familial dynamics'... She ought to recognize she is talking to her eldest son, who is a grown man (33, as of 11/2/22)... with no equivalency, to JJ's ineptitude..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(a snapshot of my response to JJ, of 8:13 AM... on 9/4/22... in the context of what I texted, I shared this video with him - Leaving the South Orange train station (11:51 AM, on 6/4/22) - YouTube)  

(a response to JJ, as of 12:06 PM on 9/3/22... curious I am, as to his response... given the fact that there is value in getting a college degree, which serves as a foundation... for certain pursuits)

"A question I posed to JJ (snapped as of 3:21 PM... today - 9/2/22)... featuring this link: Are we heading toward World War III? | Watch ("..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:34 PM (9/2/22):
"Text message window (as of 1:07 PM, on 9/2/22), featuring JJ's thumbnail/display picture... as pitch black. 
I wonder why
such is so, as though this corresponds to his number... for a reason..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(the couple featured in this article's photo, have the vibe of, 'JJ, what have you done')

2:48 PM (8/31/22):
"Apparently, my middle brother... JJ, did in fact graduate from Montclair State University (as was attested, in the Spring of 2022)... but he did not attend the commencement ceremony... which was held on 5/20/22..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Press CTRL+F (on a desktop or laptop computer), to search the text... for 'key terms,' such as names, places, dates and etcetera...
2:51 PM (8/31/22): "I was informed of the aforementioned link, today... when my mom sent such, to me (via e-mail, after a short drive that we went on)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(an e-mail forwarded to me, by my mom... regarding one that JJ sent her, about his graduation from Montclair State University... in justice studies)


9:07 PM (8/30/22): 
(JJ's response... to my text to him, as of 12:57 PM... on 8/20/22)

"Phone call with my mom, as of 6:41 AM... today, 8/4/22 (ending about 3 seconds later)... Today is her 59th birthday... She was just quiet, not saying much... and as usual, tolerant about JJ's 'irrational' deficiencies..." - Michael Izuchukwu

" vibe is, 'I don't understand what's going on here... y'all are stupid if you say you're my relatives, but don't know what behavior... is reflective, of that'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 7:03 AM (8/4/22)

[Featured here ('7/5/18' upload date, via 'a' Facebook profile), is my mom, my cousins Sarai, Niama, Camara and Brianna (front row)... and my aunts (back row, first two on the left - Diane and Colette, respectively)... from left to right]

11:26 AM (7/27/22):
(a text exchange, from JJ... as of Saturday, 7/23/22... which I did not notice... until minutes ago... I am not sure what he means by 'I am ascendant'... unless this is a possible 'omission of guilt,' about his interference... with my time, at Ascendant NY... when I had been working as a 'behavioral health technician,' from 6/3/18 to 9/16/18)

John Iz | Facebook ( – Facebook profile of JJ/John Jr. (John Izuchukwu)

5:12 PM (7/27/22): "Today, I noticed JJ was just able to see the following Facebook profile of mine: Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook ( … before I blocked him, via such…" - Michael Izuchukwu

5:35 PM (7/27/22):

My mom suggesting that my middle brother, JJ, can avoid family gatherings (12:08 PM, on 7/27/22) - YouTube



5:51 PM (7/27/22): 
(a meal from 'Panda Garden,' as of 2:29 PM... today...)

12:01 AM (7/28/22): 

"Text response from my middle brother, JJ, as of 1:00 PM... today (7/23/22)... His words are typically empty, or disingenuous..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Text response from my middle brother, JJ, as of 10:04 AM... today (7/22/22)... featuring my reply..." - Michael Izuchukwu

See (for further context):

(a snapshot of a phone call, with my mom... as of 6:53 AM, today - 7/22/22. Such ended after 4 minutes & 13 seconds - 14 seconds after such was made... I explained to her that JJ has a 'sadistic pathology' if it takes him this long to respond to a text message, after checking such... and particularly, when he has no genuine responsibilities... My mom told me, she would speak to him shortly... about how he has yet, to address my question)...

"Text response from my middle brother, JJ, as of 6:35 AM... today (7/22/22)... For a dude who has all the time in the world, his response time is irrational..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Text response from my middle brother, JJ, as of 8:33 PM... today (7/21/22)... Not sure what the delay is for; particularly, a secondary one..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"A text to JJ, as of 10:58 AM... today (7/21/22)... He's probably in my mom's apartment right now, either watching TV (CNN, for instance), on his laptop, eating or sleeping... while my mom has her 8-hour work shift..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:14 PM (7/18/22): 
"I just got off the phone with my mom, not too long ago... I had inquired about how much her rent is, at the 'apartment (2-bedroom)' she has yet to invite me to... She said such was $2,020. I then ask her what JJ's contribution is to that, and she said he's been working hard... making money, via a YouTube channel of his. I told her that she is being gullible and foolish, and that she is covering for him (in the context of his history, and me not having seen him 'in-person'... since late 2018)... I asked if she could be generous enough to send me $6 or so, to buy a Subway sandwich (given there is great credence that JJ lives with my mom, with no 'monetary contribution'... and the fact that the staff at my dominion, have low 'dietary intelligence'...)... After a bit of negotiation, she ended up giving me $10 (when she made some inquiries about my status quo, regarding work, research and my agenda)...
...I wonder what JJ's YouTube channel name, is...
[at 12:39 PM, I concluded what was nearly a 3-minute phone call ('2:44') with my mom... in which I insisted that my mom ask JJ, for the name of his channel... She reluctantly agreed, to do so]..." - Michael Izuchukwu
12:50 PM (7/18/22):
"I found JJ's YouTube channel (after making a google search)... I say this, because in 2017 and early 2018 (when cohabiting with JJ, at the Harclay House apartment complex... in East Orange, NJ)... I remember him watching the YouTube channel 'ExperGamez' on his laptop... He is a fan of the anime show 'Naruto'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:51 PM (7/18/22):

Text with JJ (6:53 AM, on 6/27/22)
Up to just moments ago, JJ has yet to address the fact... that I have suggested we do a video call, multiple times...

Text with JJ (10:17 PM, on 6/26/22), Part 2
As of 10:31 PM on 6/26/22, JJ had yet to reply...

Text with JJ (10:17 PM, on 6/26/22), Part 1

Text with JJ (9:16 PM, on 6/26/22)
NOTE: As of 9:30 PM on 6/26/22... I had yet, to get a response from JJ...

Text with JJ (9:14 PM, on 6/26/22)

Text with JJ (9:06 PM, on 6/26/22)

3:43 PM (6/11/22): "A response from JJ (as of 11:51 AM, today), in which he vaguely described his 'alleged' income source..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:37 PM (6/10/22): "JJ indicated he seeks to move out, regarding his present domestic circumstances... where he cohabits with my mom. Nevertheless, I am curious about the means by which he will do so... given I know not, of his income source..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

3:33 PM (6/10/22): "A text respone to my middle brother, JJ, after having texted him the following article to read... yesterday..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:55 AM (5/21/22): "A snapshot of the LinkedIn profile, of my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.)... He cohabits with my mom, in Nutley, NJ, and I have my suspicions... about the authenticity, of his accreditations... Strange it is, that JJ doesn't even specify his full name... on the site..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Text with JJ (12:42 PM, on 4/27/22)

Text with JJ (10:28 AM, on 4/27/22)

(text with JJ, as of 9:25 AM on 4/27/22)
"Maybe I'll just leave it, at that..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:55 PM (3/14/22): 

1:56 PM (3/14/22):

1:55 PM (3/14/22):

10:31 AM (3/14/22):

"Something tells me that JJ is more familiarized with his 'diploma,' than the contents of his transcript..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:00 PM (3/13/22):

"A recent text from JJ, today... Based off the idiosyncrasies of his texts, I can tell his claims must be disingenuous..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:06 AM (3/13/22):

"A text response from my middle brother, JJ, that I noticed as of 7:40 PM... yesterday... I had texted him that he must be bluffing..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:27 AM (3/13/22): "For all I know... JJ went to school at ',' and is employed at an affiliate website..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:24 AM (3/12/22):

"A text response to my brother, JJ, as of 9:19 AM today (3/12/22)... My mom recently showed me JJ's 'diploma' on her phone, saying such had been issued on 1/31/22... JJ turns 31 years old this September, and was originally at the University of Pittsburgh... as of 2010, for his freshman year... before having to leave, for reasons which were never fully disclosed... to me..."- Michael Izuchukwu

10:02 AM (3/12/22):
 "Just got off the phone with my mom, and asked her some questions... regarding JJ... She always gives lackadaisical responses, but said the work JJ does (to her knowledge) is in relation to YouTube voiceovers/voice acting... or working on his YouTube channel (which he has been doing, since no later than 2019)... I know not of his YouTube channel..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:09 AM (3/11/22):

(a text to my middle brother, JJ, as of 9:49 AM...  on 3/10/22)

(a text response from JJ, as of 7:03 AM this morning (3/11/22) - snapshot from 9:36 AM, today)
